Welcome to the web site based on my experiences pitching to our three favorite Trek shows.

You will find here over 70 stories I have pitched to various staff members. Also included are the staff's comments on each story, my comments and postscripts (which tell you what happened after I pitched my story)

This website is informational, and while I hope you find it entertaining, it should not be construed as a site for Trek fiction (fan or otherwise). This site is for writers going in to pitch and writers who hope to go into pitch in the future. They can read these stories, see the staff's comments, and possibly learn from my experience and better prepare.

NO ONE connected with Viacom, Paramount Pictures or the Trek offices have had any knowledge or involvement in the creation of this web site or the corresponding book. If they had, they probably would have bought a few of these stories to make themselves (and me) look better.

NOTE TO NITPICKERS AND TREK EXPERTS: It's up to YOU to remember where each series was at the time of my pitches. While I welcome input and questions, I really don't want any mail regarding timeline problems or character inconsistencies. It's up to YOU to do the homework as to who was where and how when.

STAR TREK™ and virtually every proper noun ever associated with it are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures, Inc. All rights reserved.

 To get a list of my stories for each series,
click on one of the buttons to the left

Web Design and Maintenence by TK